SMC229H1 Lecture Notes - Hieratic, Aramaic Language, Body Language

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Weather patterns the idea of the collective that would benefit from having writing in general, also is based on the idea that literacy would involve a large group of people. So before you can have writing helping the collective, you have to have writing helping tiny groups of people. Reading = the ability for people to communicate over a distance. Writing can hold its forms even going back to an ancient history. Like the invention of print, writing takes into account a wide group of people. Writing systems are more than just visual artifacts, but visual documents in a way. In order to have writing in use effectively in a culture, the only people who could read and write were trained scribes. Over time, there has been a drastic evolution of writing. The origin of writing was at about 33 000 bc in china, with ceramics and geometric motifs. C. 3500 blau monument combines images and early writing.

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