UNI101Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Rob Ford

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Rob ford - biggest local story of toronto, not just here but internationally even. We are used to the concentration of power. In the past, 50 companies own 40,000 media outlets in us, now 6. Very few controlling voices. (e. g. viacom, disney, time warner, ) In canada, rogers, bell, quebec one (own all of the sun"s), shaw, If foreign countries (us) control all of our media outlets, canada would never have its own voice, hence cbc introduced. Many rules about canadian ownership especially important in. Because need more views represented, especially our own. But books not quite like others but when you buy a book, there is no ads on it. Innis approach to: less material worth more in oral tradition, advertising may have added to dumbing down of news media What has a more public quality: cbc vs. Internet: a lot of content is user created, along with major media outlets and large content providers along with social media.

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