UNI101Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Sex Reassignment Surgery, Ball Culture, Intersectionality

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Concepts of throwing shade , keeping it real, reading . All concepts that come from the ball scene in the movie. Important to note that most people featured in video have died. The 80s, think about how many lost lives to aids during this era. Homonormative we have gotten to this place where we have created categories of identity that define us as either gay or straight. Characters in video talking about not wanting to transition or get sexual reassignment surgery because it would make them more marginalized . Would actually not be beneficial to their identity. Privilege to gay folks who are cis. She picked up on the vibrant subculture here that could be repackaged and sold to her fans but already had a fan base as well. Some of the people in video are actually featured in her video. Introduces us to a framework of intersectionality (as in the lives of the characters in the film)

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