JAV120H1 Lecture 12: VIS120 LECTURE 12
Document Summary
This is a composition by john cage from 1960. Instead of needles to play the vinyl records, cage has inserted other objects pipe cleaners, wires, feathers, slinkies, matches, etc. The cartridges are then attached to furniture (tables, chairs, ladders) to which contact microphones are attached. It is said to be he first piece of live electronic music . Guggenheim 1943: organic style and architecture, wright made organic architecture, clean lines, simplified, use of concrete is very specific, characteristic modernist architecture. All share a common features: each do have internal structure allows them to have a different facing than buildings prior to modernist architecture. curtain wall or corner wall of glass in fagus factory. terracotta applied as exterior in guaranty building. clean lines and simplified: steel skeleton structure, they are identified as modernist structures and architecture. Contrasted modernism: hybrid rather than pure, comprising rather than clean, ambiguous rather than articulated, perverse rather than interesting.