Biology 2382B Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Guanine, Pubmed, Plasmid

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G protein coupled receptor system: gpcr, g proteins, types of ga, effectors, second messengers. Signal transduction is an important mechanism that ensures biological functions are maintained. Key aspect of cell signalling is communication from one cell producing that in turn signal is transmitted to another cell and that cell needs to respond. Conversion of 1 signal into another: from one form to another. Why is it important: need to respond to our environment form physiological responses, fundamental role in normal physiological and developmental processes, perturbation is the signal transduction pathways are associated with many diseases. Involves growth factors, cytokines, hormones, ecm, neurotransmitters, light, sound, etc. Some of the players: receptor tyrosine kinases (rtk"s, g-protein coupled receptors (gpcr"s) Most abundant type of receptors in humans: proto-oncogenes (ras, mitogen activated proteins kinases (mapk) Need an initial signal referred to as a ligand: primary messenger.

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