Biology 2382B Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Retinoid X Receptor, Reagent, Glucocorticoid

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17 Apr 2013

Document Summary

Lecture 9: basic principles of cell signalling and gpcr system. Involves growth factors, cytokines, hormones, ecm, neurotransmitters, light, sound etc. Initiator of diseases cancer, heart, diabetes turned on too much. Some of the players: receptor tyrosine kinases (rtk"s), g-protein couples receptors (gpcr"s), Small molecules (epinephrine, acetylcholine, steroids), peptides, hormones etc. Ca++, camp, cgmp, ip3, dag, no, etc cell surface receptors intracellular receptors. The intracellular receptor for most of these lipid-soluble hormones, which constitute the nuclear receptor super-family, function as transcription activators when bound to their ligands. Nuclear receptors all the nuclear receptors have a unique n terminal region of a variable length (100-500 amino acids) Portions of this variable region function as activation domains in some nuclear receptors. The dna binding domain maps near the center of the primary sequence and has a repeat of the c4 zinc-finger motif. The hormone binding domain, located near the c terminal region contains a hormone dependant activation domain.

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