Biology 2483A Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Parental Investment, Endosperm, Ecological Niche
Document Summary
Life history record of events relating to organisms growth, development, reproduction, and survival. Life history characteristics include: age and size at sexual maturity, amount and timing of reproduction, survival and mortality rates. 2-6 clownfish spend entire adult lives in one sea anemone, but not usually related. Largest fish is female; the next largest is the breeding male. There is a strict pecking order in the group, based on body size. If the female dies, the breeding male becomes a female, and the next largest fish becomes the breeding male. Hatchlings move out of the anemone, and juveniles must find a new anemone to inhabit. They are completely dependent on protection by the sea anemone. Sea anemones are a scarce resource for clownfish. Growth regulation mechanisms have evolved so they don"t grow to a conflict size. Pattern in average timing and nature of life history events.