Biology 3466B Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Adaptive Radiation, Heteroneura, Headbutt
Document Summary
3 species concept (structural form, or physical phenotype) Species can be determined that are extinct or living and in species that reproduce sexually or asexually. However it is not applied carefully: biological species concept: identifying evolutionary independence is reproductive isolation. If a species is separated by environment it is hard to tell is they are reproductively isolated: phylogenetic species concept: focuses on a criterion for identifying species called monophyly. Species are identified by estimating the phylogeny of closely related populations and finding the smallest monophyletic groups. Geographic isolation produces reproductive isolation, and thus genetic isolation: the dispersal and colonization hypothesis makes 2 predictions. Closely related species should be found on adjacent islands. Are the flies that parasitize apple fruits and. Natural selection based on food could have made them so. Or they are members of the same population. Hawthorn larvae experience cooler temps to the apple larvae: the hawthorn flies were collected.