Biology 1001A Lecture Notes - Lecture 22: Evolutionary Arms Race, Parasitism, Common Cold

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Types of interactions that can occur between 2+ species. Interactions b/w different species ex: parasites and hosts, predators and preys. Note: these are not social interactions, since social interactions are de ned as. Interaction b/w 2 individuals of the same species. Mutualistic, competitive and antagonistic relationships between species, given "real world" examples. In both cases, one of them win: ex: tree & tree-protecting ants: trees are protected, while ants have a place to live. Competition: both species need to survive, therefore they compete. Ex: multiple types of carnivores are in competition for the same type of food; not enough resource for all. Ex: plants compete for sunlight, this is why when trees are close together, they tend to grow taller (the taller ones gets the most sunlight) Factors that advantage one side or the other in an evolutionary arms race. Evolutionary arm race = escalating cycle of adaptations of one side that allows it to better deal with another side.

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