Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Xml Namespace, Unicode, International Standard Book Number
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Html documents (text file: requirements as specified, published web page. Text files: windows: notepad, mac textedit (plain text option and then exit) Resave it as the code rather than change it. & mark the beginning and end of a table declaration. Attribute border: controls the width of the table border, normal border = 1, if omitted table displayed without a border. Tables declared one row at the time: enclosed in & tags tr = row, contains one or more cell declarations. Content inside the td tags are displayed as the content of the cell. Within tag: list item, tag indicates the items on the list, number list by default (1,2,3,4 , don"t need a closing li. Type parameter controls the list numbers/letters: a letters (a,b,c,d, a lowercase letters (a,b,c,d , i roman numbers (i, ii, iii, iv, , i lowercase roman numbers (i, ii, iii, iv )