Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture : Jan 22&24.docx
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COMPSCI 1032A/B Full Course Notes
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Document Summary
Where are you headed: accounting, admin, finance, hr, marketing, mgmt. System - components interacting to achieve some purpose. From the simplest/easiest to change to the most complex: Procedures what we follow to get info to do what we want them to do. Airline reservation/check-in: hardware, software, data, procedures, people. Development and use of is that help businesses achieve their goals & objectives. Key elements: development & use, info systems, business goals & objectives. Active role: ensuring system meets your needs. People perform the activities of a business: they design, produce, market, account. Mis empowers users to reach goals: exists to assist in meeting the objectives of the business, developed for the right" reasons. Info system (is: system of hardware, software, data, procedures, and people that produce info. Data components: it: methods, interventions, systems, products. It alone will not help an organization achieve goals: is includes people in the equation, this impacts how a system is designed & implemented.