Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Code Division Multiple Access, Gmail, Outlook.Com

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COMPSCI 1032A/B Full Course Notes
COMPSCI 1032A/B Full Course Notes
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Midterm material is only what we learn up to reading week. 2 hour exam chapter 1,2, 3, 4, 6 chapter extension 2a. Html xml, word and excel is mc and short answer. Mark wise 50% textbook and 50% computer concepts. Need to write an xml schema and doc. Computers tend to be more useful when they are connected to networks. Connection to the internet: part of a functioning network of networks containing millions of computers. Provides for: sending and receiving email, browsing web pages (globally, download audio and video files, communicate (talk) Two or more people working tg to achieve a common goal, result or product. Produces results greater than those that could be produced by any of the individuals working alone. Coordination and communication and often makes use of computer networks. Communication skills and culture (most important: part of a group, giving and receiving critical feedback. Communication systems: email, vpns, instant messaging.

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