Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture Notes - Foreign Key, Unique Key, Scale-Invariant Feature Transform
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COMPSCI 1032A/B Full Course Notes
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Keeping track of more than one theme. Design reflects the organization that exists within the data. Data model: captures org of the data, logical representation of the data. What is a model: representation of reality that retains only selected details. Models: powerful tool for validating necessary details and eliminating irrelevant details, associate or map, elements in reality to elements in the model. Database model (description of both the data and relationships among the data, like a blueprint) database design database. The easiest time to change the database structure is during the data modeling stage. Users" review of a data model is crucial. How do you build a house first, you create a blueprint, a plan, a model. How do you build a database first you make a model, an entity relationship. Model (e-r diagram): visualization (diagram) of the data, describes the logical database, graphical method of mapping the real world.