Digital Communication 2001A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Utah Data Center, Microblogging, Iris Recognition
Document Summary
All mediums are social in their own distinctive ways. Networked communication was born from a desire to share and make information free. A network society comes out of networks of production, power, and experience. Data double, the alternate you, your information self. Surveillance society is the all encompassing use of computer surveillance tech in modern society for total social control (1985) Our behaviour changes when we think we"re being watched. We then make decisions based on expectations and not agency. Used to be considered a human right. Information privacy is really only around 150 years old. Cia conducts daily mood of the world reports based on tweets. Identification of physical or behavioural traits: fingerprints, face recognition, iris recognition, dna. Mission: to intercept, decipher, analyse and store vast amounts of the world"s communications from satellites and underground and undersea cables of international, foreign and domestic networks.