Digital Communication 2001A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Reddit, User-Generated Content, Wechat

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Deep roots in business and social sciences. Social media are the online platforms that foster virtual communities for collaborative practices and the sharing of information. Vernacular media: production of content by the general public rather than by experts. Also called peer production, available on the web via social media platforms, user generated content refers to vernacular material like daily news. Marks a revolution in the technologies of production. Web 1. 0 was the 1st incarnation of the web, a do it yourself space, no pre-made platforms, text based. Web 2. 0 is the age of personal and personalizable media. Media shapes what can be said, how it can be said, who can hear it. When media changes, so do our relationships. Social media signals the birth of new cooperative and collaborative models. Almost too easy to get our opinions our there. He was one of the ppl responsible for establishing public libraries in usa.

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