English 3554E Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Zuleika Dobson, Max Beerbohm, Aestheticism
Document Summary
Comic novel - camp register (over the top, trashy). Camp is born out of relationship to aestheticism, parodying from aesthetic through relationship. Situating 2 figures: dandy, and femme fatale. Their relationship is structured around the structure/problems of love. Duke of dorset is not to be read as straight, don"t take him seriously. Beaudelaire discusses the dandy in a book of essays called the painter of. A dandy is not just a guy who is into clothes or someone who wants to be applauded/loved, but a slave to the elegance of profession. Refusal to be a slave to anyone else anarchist quality. Modesty is to morality what good taste is to aesthetics. Max beerbohm also wrote a book on dandyism. Every man falls for zolita upon meeting her. Duke gets all women"s attention but is utterly unmoved by them. P. 10: zoleika discovers that her desire is an enigma.