English 3554E Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Dysphoria, Psychoanalysis
Document Summary
What you read on one page is contradicted on the next, these lies imply hysteria. Read the novel a little as a mystery novel. Dowell is constantly narrating himself in relation to how other people treat him, woman, nurse, lawyer. Desire: wanting stiff, ontological, lack of desire. Gaze: gaze of the other, subs have eyes. P. 29: i had forgotten about his eyes . Calls ash"s eyes perfectly stupid , blind to his surroundings, but with a fascinating power over women. Title character, the good soldier squire of the manor. P. 34: he talked like a good book, and i know that because he regarded me as a woman or as a solicitor . Solicitor, from latin solicitos, points to anxiety. Dowell ses ash as a means to learn his desire, is ash is in love with a woman, so is dowell. Discussing the effect of looking at her, almost repulsed by her.