English 3554E Lecture 31: W.H Auden

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People found his theory crazy, he was big on psychoanalysis. Trying to help us work through what it means to be a poet in modernity, it is a force of knowledge that renders all that is solid into air. Peter sloterdijk: critique of cynical reason ; exploration of the rise of cynical thought in enlightenment, false consciousness. Possible antidote to this cynicism = kynicism: preserves lost cheekiness. Written while sitting in a bar on 52nd street in nyc (midtown) Uncertain and afraid like everyone else, hopes of stopping hitler, anger and fear. Date is the day hitler invaded poland. Dualism that suggests a fisher, us vs them, one will be privileged, one will be denigrated. Huge imago : predicated not on an ego ideal, but on an ideal ego; freudian terms. Ideal-ego: ideal of yourself, imaginary, how we like to see ourselves and how we think how others see us.

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