English 2200F/G Lecture Notes - Friedrich Engels, The German Ideology, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Document Summary
English 2200 lecture on karl marx and friedrich engels. The economic and philosophic manuscripts of 1844. Translated to english and published in 1932. Communism was a really easy philosophy for dictators to assume: this is how it is, and if you"re not with us, you"re dead . Marx was student of hegel"s philosophy, but starts to question hegel when he meets. Hegel wants to talk about our spirit -- marx doesn"t believe in doing that. Everyone can"t be an artist like hegel said because of our ideologies, cultures, the way we were raised, etc. Everything is materialistic for marx and engel. When people say oh, this is a marxist reading they mean that it focuses on the material conditions of whatever they"re talking about. It is a promise that someone will labour the amount of 5 dollars for the person who owns the bill to give it to them.