Geography 1400F/G Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Cotton Gin, Wage Labour, Asia-Pacific

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A series of inventions (technologies) that transformed manufacturing: large use of energy source (ex. Coal: development of the steam engine (1763) Induction of new machines, factories: development of new transport links. Origins united kingdom: bt mid-18th an mid-20th centuries, industrial geography of england dramatically transformed, england was the first industrial area or hearth of the ir. Bc was marked most politically stable (rapid onset of new and stable) 1701-1856 emerging products long history of settlement, stability and security, culture conditions. Most important component as the rise of large-scale factory production. Mechanised, more capital needed key energy source is coal. Social change: move from farm to factory, dramatic decrease in mortality. Followed by decrease in fertility: rapid urban growth, international migration. Economic change: collapse of feudalism, rise of capitalism profit making. Dependence on wages: gaines in human productivity, higher standards of living, energy is the capacity to do work. Origins of the american dream": emergence of nation-states.

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