Management and Organizational Studies 1023A/B Lecture Notes - Retained Earnings
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Statements are standardized -> same format regardless of organization. Not everything in a business is recorded (because they"re not economic transactions) Impact of pricing strategies on bottom line & company image. Secondary users (everyone other than investors and creditors) In canada, income statement has to follow standards by accounting board, which doesn"t follow same rule as cra (two sets of income statements are required, one that shows slightly higher in expenses for. Cra, and slighter high in income for shareholders) Customers want security/warranty on large-ticket items them buy. Labour unions will use financials to bargain for employee wage rights. Communities want to know if large local industry is going to close. Proprietorship is common for small start-ups or independent contractors. Even though they may create financial statements for their economic entity, they are not legally separate (unlimited personal liability) Profits are reported to cra as personal income.