Media, Information and Technoculture 2153A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Harlequin Enterprises, Holtzbrinck Publishing Group, Pierre Bourdieu

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Book publishing goes back as far as invention of printing press in 15th century. Publishing is arguably the oldest (cid:494)entertainment industry(cid:495); mass production. )nstrumental in developing copyright to protect publishers(cid:495) investments (cid:523)cf. 18th-19th c: age of the novel: copyright was shorter at the beginning, and it was extended, lending a book was seen as taking away the profits that the piracy, lending as threats to profit) publishers would receive. Pioneered assigning copyright in exchange for royalties; publishers assumed risk with returns, pulping: the idea of copyright would set up how authors were compensated, the publishers would assume the risk of the publication so it wouldn(cid:495)t. Like with music industry, book publishing hypes (cid:494)author(cid:495), but also has other supporting creative and technical roles: the author has a romantic notion fall on the authors. Agent, editor(s) work directly with author(s): also designers, typesetters, copy editors, ghostwriters,

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