Media, Information and Technoculture 2200F/G Lecture Notes - The Postmodern Condition, Daisy Group, Christian Cross
Document Summary
Is a force that has had impact on our economic, social, technological lives that began with the dissolution of the soviet union 1991. No more worlds of democracy, communism, everyone else (1, 2, 3rd world) no such thing as these todays. This notion of american capital and the soviet union is gone, no longer the polarity by which the world operates. Everyone else was caught between democracy and communism. More between the north and south, the haves and have-nots. The diffusion of goods, values and tastes on a global scale. More people recognize the mcdonalds arches than the christian cross. Migration from industrial labour to service and info economy jobs. Job spaces become flexible and can go wherever you go. Cheaper icts allow individuals to circumvent government control over info. Dominant corporate brands begin displacing religious and national symbols. Two predominant definitional flavours of globalization: optimistic and pessimistic.