Media, Information and Technoculture 2200F/G Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Edward Bernays, Disinformation, Mind Control
Document Summary
We control people through luxuries and commodities. The soviets were not the only ones in the business of information gathering and use. The nazis, cia and advertisers were the most meticulous record keepers. Human beings possess highly destructive drives (freud) beneath the veneer of civilization resides an animal prone to self interest, violence and war. Needs based economy; you buy what you need, essentials. People bought commodities and valued their durability, not the promise of being satisfied at some subconscious level. There used to be an emphasis on things lasting a long time. Most products today are sold without this ever being the case. If we did make things that lasted, it would destroy our economy. Bernays assisted in the transformation from a needs - desire based economy which would satisfy the sexual and aggressive natures within. By sexualizing products bernays was a pioneer in modern day advertising. Products were seen as having an allure which it doesn"t naturally possess.