Media, Information and Technoculture 2200F/G Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Hypertext Transfer Protocol, Ted Nelson, Hypertext
Document Summary
Mit 1700 week 9: the new digital order search engines to wikipedia. Most families today need to work longer and have two incomes to have the same stability that their parents had in the 1950"s. We are working more than ever; our technology can do so much more now. When we are on facebook, we are working for the economy. Facebook sells the information that you post to companies so that they can advertise to you better. The economy is a big capitalistic system. Autonomous system because it no longer needs people to help it along, it functions on its" own. Our social relations on facebook and twitter are basically advertising for free (talking about movies we saw, last product we bought) Our social lives are dictated by commodification. Talking on facebook is all about indexing commodities; therefore you are still working for the economic system even in your leisure time.