Media, Information and Technoculture 2500A/B Lecture Notes - Aero Fighters, Electrical Connector, Vannevar Bush

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Dyna book proposal 1972 close representation to the ipad. Become the medium to use it: the medium is the message. Medium is the massage released in: 1967. Uses a metaphor that ratios are always changing, ratios between technology and ratios between the human. What you"re not focusing on becomes background information; we tend to put our attention on certain things only. (marx, law, society will choose to see something a certain way and others will ignore other information) Figure (what we"re focused on) ground (what we aren"t focused on) Medium is the message = the effects are the message. We should study the effects. i. e. the message of the car would be, suburbs, highways, carpools, street racing, things that exist from the car being able to move about the environment: the medium is the massage . We don"t notice the message, we are being massaged into the technology.

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