Media, Information and Technoculture 2500A/B Lecture : November 9 1500.docx

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Its graphical because it is informational and interactive. Dyna book built/made in 1973: allan kay designed it. (keyboard, mouse, keyboard, screen. Allen k read mcluans the medium is the message you have to become the medium if you use it. You need to get used to holding your pencil, stop thinking about the technology involved and essentially merge together and absorb it. Need to do this in order to use the computer and interface with it. *you have to become the medium to use it. *computer is the interface of a lot of different pieces of hardware the book: the medium is the massage came out in 1967. He talks about the oral period, the original period. Media alters the way we think and act and perceive the world. Ratios are always changing: ratios between technology and ratios between the human. Always changing depending on the technologies and capabilities of the person.

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