Media, Information and Technoculture 2500A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Svetlana Alexievich, Mla Handbook, University Of Western Ontario

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Pattern recognition in the midst of a huge, overwhelming, destructive force is the way out of the maelstrom. The huge vortices of energy created by our media present us with similar possibilities of evasion of consequences of destruction. By studying the patterns of the effects of this huge vortex of energy in which we are involved, it may be possible to program a strategy of evasion and survival. Professor: dr. warren steele e-mail: wsteele@uwo. ca office: north campus. Building room 286 office hours: wednesday 2:30 4:30 and by appointment. Lecture: monday 2:30 4:30 ssc 2050 tutorials: tutorial times are listed online: https://studentservices. uwo. ca/secure/timetables/mastertt/ttindex. cfm. Description: this course will explore the tools and technologies that underlie and fuel the western imagination. Topics include, but are not limited to: technology and responsibility; isolation and the interpersonal; speed, catastrophe, psychosis. Required texts: svetlana alexievich, voices from chernobyl; philip k. dick, do.

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