Media, Information and Technoculture 3214F/G Lecture Notes - University Of Western Ontario

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Listened to john f. kennedy"s convocation speech the educated citizen . We will become educated citizens at uwo if all goes well. The future of humanity may depend on media and society and how they relate to each other. Barthes ( mythologies ) is thinking about how media is deceitful. Concerned with how all media seems natural but isn"t. Wrestling, advertising, etc. try to make the meanings they attach to their products seem natural, not arbitrary. For example, it should feel natural to buy a pair of nike"s because they make you courageous - or, that"s what they want us to think. It seems natural that anyone who wants a higher up job would wear a suit to the interview. Mythologies involve: toys, cars, faces of celebrities, nike, zoo"s; everything involving media. The mythology of zoo"s is that you will have an authentic experience of the animals while you are there, even though you really don"t at all.

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