Media, Information and Technoculture 3214F/G Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Roland Barthes, Mass Society, Mass Media

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Semiotics take 1: the romans in films, toys, the new citroen. Mass media developed in relation to the emergence of mass society. The masses are a group who have political legitimacy as opposed to a mob. Social change doesn"t always mean progress (we"re not progressing becuause our technology is better) A discipline that analyzes signs and symbols; the study of the functioning of sign systems. From greek semiotikos, which means interpreter of signs, (from root: sema: sign ) 1915-1981, professor at the college de france. A collection of short essays written over several years in the mid 1950"s; can be thought of as improvisations on contemporary mass culture: film, advertising, magazines, photographs, cars, toys, plastic, food, etc. Last essay called myth today is long, theoretically dense. It"s significant because it"s at the end of the book: you don"t need to know the theory to appreciate the improvisations. Interrogate the obvious wanted to challenge the innocence of cultural text.

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