Pathology 3240A Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Cervical Cancer, Chronic Pain, Down Syndrome

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Classifying is not very black and white because of our understanding of disease. Idiopathic meaning you don"t really know what it is. Jim fix in the 70s wrote books on running long distance. He died at 53 of a heart attack on a run. What was it about him that causes him to have heart disease at a young age. He was overweight and smoked for 20 years before he took up this lifestyle. So all these years of abuse caught up to him. But also his father had a lot of these disorders so there may have been a genetic aspect involved. Most diseases have both environmental and genetic causes. Different kinds of cancer however and some have a purely genetic or environmental cause. Type 2 diabetes is increasing in numbers causing mortality and morbidity. People are becoming more obese but they also have the predisposition due to their genetics.

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