Political Science 2231E Lecture : The Origins of The International System .pdf
Document Summary
Pre 1500: about 500 independent political units in europe. 1500-1800: dynastic or absolutists states try to maintain political unity. Division between state and society (feudal system, etc. ) Transnational elites prevented total wars of destructions (a lot to do with the fact that rulers where inter related) Post-1800: consolidation after the revolutionary and napoleonic wars. In 1900, 20 independent political units in europe. Development of the modern nation-state (nationalism caused both war and unification) Outbreak of the thirty years" war (1618-1648) Begins with protestant uprising in bohemia and austria, spreads throughout continent and loses its religious motivation. Use of mercenary armies and territorial grabs. Thirty years" war ends with the peace of westphalia (1648) Recognized that sovereignty rests with secular rulers. Gave each ruler the right to determine the religion of their state. Generally, great powers are both economically and militarily strong. Major players in the system with relatively large territory and population.