Psychology 1000 Lecture Notes - Lecture 63: Symbolic Interactionism, Authoritarian Personality, Social Stigma
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Stereotype threat (negative consequence of stereotyping) - self-fulfilling fear that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype: ex. Next time, implement negative stereotype about blue students, blue students perform worse: what stereotype threat is exposure to a negative stereotype surrounding a task can actually cause decrease in the performance of an individual performing task. The city dwellers become ruder over time in response to our own behavior towards them. Prejudice is made up of 3 components: 1. Component#1: cognition (stereotype)- fundamental underlying thought, overgeneralized belief (cognition: 2. Component#2: affect prejudice carries an emotional component: component #3: discrimination (tendency for prejudice to lead to behavior) -capacity to carry out a behavior and act on prejudice (abc model) At the core of prejudice is often fear of frustration. Scapegoats are group of people towards whom the aggression is directed, ex. These people probably had a harsh bringing/lots of discipline growing up.