Psychology 2035A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Internet Addiction Disorder, Defence Mechanisms, Learned Helplessness
Document Summary
Coping: refers to efforts to master, reduce, or tolerate the demands created by stress. Coping flexibility: ability to use multiple coping strategies - more desirable than consistently relying on the same strategy. Learned helplessness: passive behavior produced by exposure to unavoidable aversive events. Aggression: any behavior intended to hurt someone, either physically or verbally. Catharsis: refers to the release of emotional tension. Internet addiction: consists of spending inordinate amount of time on the internet and an inability to control online use. Defence mechanisms: largely unconscious reactions that protect a person from unpleasant emotions such as anxiety and guilt. Constructive coping: refers to efforts to deal with stressful events that are judged to be relatively healthy. Appraisal-focused coping (aimed at changing one"s interpretation of stressful events) Problem-focused coping (aimed at altering the stressful situation itself) Emotion-focused coping (aimed at managing potential emotional distress)