Psychology 2035A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Interpersonal Communication, Intrapersonal Communication, Loud Music
Document Summary
Communication: the system and process of sending, receiving, and interpreting messages that have meaning. Interpersonal communication: an interactional process in which one person sends a message to another. Transmission of meaning between two or more people. Interpersonal - at least two people must be involved. A process - usually involves a series of actions. Interactional - not a one-way street; both participants send as well as receive information when they"re interacting. The sender: the person who initiates the message. The receiver: the person to whom the message is sent. The message: the information transmitted by the source. Encode - speakers transform ideas and feelings into symbols and organize them into a message. Encoding - groping the right word to express an idea. Decode: receivers translate a speaker"s message into their own ideas and feelings. Decoding - trying to discover a word"s meaning by how it is used. The channel: refers to the medium through which the message is sent.