Psychology 2035A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Sandwich Generation, Endogamy, Psychological Abuse

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Marriage: the legally and socially sanctioned union of sexually intimate adults. Cohabitation: living together in a sexually intimate relationship without the legal bounds of marriage. Monogamy: practice of having only one spouse at a time. Polygamy: having more than one spouse at a time. Endogamy: the tendency for people to marry within their own social group. Homogamy: the tendency for people to marry others who have similar personal characteristics. The family cycle: an orderly sequence of developmental stages that families tend to progress through. Six-stage model of family development (carter and mcgoldrick) Sandwich generation: adults caught between conflicting responsibilities of focusing on the care of their aging parents while worrying about their children. Contempt: communicating insulting feelings that one"s spouse is inferior. Criticism: constantly expressing negative evaluations of one"s partner. Defensiveness: responding to contempt and criticism by invalidating, refuting, or denying the partner"s statements. Stonewalling: refusing to listen to one"s partner, especially to the partner"s complains.

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