Psychology 2135A/B Lecture Notes - Experiment, Aviary, Random Assignment

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Ch 1 intro lecture & mini 1. The term cognition refers to all processes by which the sensory input is transformed, reduced, elaborated, stored, recovered and used" neisser, 1967. Ignore other objects in the same room. Isolate individual objects first need to realize that it is an object. Can extract from memory the contextually appropriate info associated with a given face. John watson (originator) and b. f. skinner (most influential thinker) That one should argue only from objectively observable evidence (not to admit any other kind of evidence to the debate) One should reefer only to objectively observable entites. Objectively observable something is visible or audible available to the sense of anyone presence. Objectively observable evidence ie. physical responses (a rat presseing a lever) it either happened or it didn"t. Objectively observable entities thing we can all see and hear (person"s eyes & ears) It would exclude things that we cant see or hear such as mental structure and processes.

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