Sociology 1020 Lecture Notes - Work Ethic, Anomie, Dominant Ideology

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Sociologists believe in religion but not god, because they look at things scientifically. Religion is one of the largest institutions for socialising. Human impulse to create rituals & processes of belief. On the other hand, religion makes us think everything"s in god"s plan. A community can only exist over time if some form of religion establishes what is sacred (durkheim: this butts against the theory the societies that are deeply tied to religion are less evolved/efficient/modernisation. Social ordering through scientific method: classification, bureaucracies, diagnosis, power was no longer centrally located, secularism was seen as freeing people from the restraint of religion (crusades, etc. ) Secularism is seen as the ideal human form while religion is seen as primitive and dangerous. Pursuit of the profane (material, status: profane referring to the material world objects that have no spiritual value (unlike the crucifix which is sacred) Pluralism and diversity: individual rights superior to obligation of community.

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