Writing 2130F/G Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Nominative Case, Apposition, Preposition And Postposition
Document Summary
Noun: a word that names or stands for a person, place, thing, class, concept, quality, or action. Examples: woman, character, city, country, citizen, ship, garden, machine, silence, vegetable, road, freedom, beauty, river, spring. Proper nouns: names of specific persons, places, or things and begin with a capital letter. All other nouns (common nouns) are only capitalized if they begin a sentence. Abstract nouns: names of intangible things or ideas. Collective nouns: names of collections or groups often considered as units. Most common concrete nouns that stand for countable things are either singular or plural. Most singular nouns are inflected to indicate the plural by the addition of "s" or "es" Some are made plural in other irregular ways. Mass nouns: name materials that are measured, weighed or divided rather than counted. Whether a noun is a subject (subjective case) or an object (objective case) is show by word rather than inflection.