AS101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Contact Force, Net Force

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1 Feb 2019

Document Summary

Newton discovered a relationship between force and momentum. A force is a push or pull on an object. A force can be either: a contact force (the agent touches the object, a long range force (agent does not physically touch the object) An object remains at rest or at constant velocity unless a net force acts to change its speed or direction. Force= rate of change of momentum with time. If the mass of an object remains constant. The gravitational force between two objects is typically very small unless the objects are massive (example planets) Why do all objects fall at the same rate regardless of their mass: according to the law of gravitation, force of grvity between the earth and an object of mass m: According to newtons 2nd law, this force can be written as f=ma. Equating the two, we see that the acceleration does not depend on the object"s mass.

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