KINE 4710 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Mental Health Professional, Taxane, Suicidal Ideation
Document Summary
4710 notes cell phones aid to make delivering health communications more effective cell phones are shared, therefore poor" have access to cell phones. Randomized controlled trial (rct: highest level of scientific proof for health-related hypotheses. Individuals associated w/ their care may also be binded", thus rendered unknowledgeable about which group subjects were allocated to. In many studies, the nature of intervention precludes blinding. contamination: control group learns about intervention and skew the results, boundaries b/w 2 groups breaks down. Cell phones may be effective tools to improve patient outcomes in resource-limited art programs. 3 sites: u of nairobi punwani clinic services in a very low income area; coptic hope center serves a higher income area in nairobi; kajiado clinic serves a vast rural district & is government run. Decision on initiating art according to national guidelines (cd4 count, 250 cells/ l or who stage iii or iv)