NATS 1840 Lecture 2: Lecture 8b

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Sc/nats 1840 lecture 8 - colonial expansion and resource exploitation. Industrial revolution: transformation of production (the making of things),l roughly the mid 18 th to the late 19th century. England, textile industry making clothes, spread worldwide. Before industrial revolution, populations increased, production increased, increasing burden on environment. Political and economic forces important, shaped basic attitude to the environment, natural objects as resources for exploitation basic rules: selling more than one buys. Complex interdependencies between major powers, colonial resources, shift from mercantilism to capitalism. Mercantilism: economic system based on the idea that nations should maintain a positive balance of trade by having more exports than imports, and that they should hoard specie (gold or silv er) Groups of workers would perform one operation on a product, moving it on to the next group to perform the next operation. Industrial revolution: dominance of the last two modes of production, deskilling the worker, lowering wages, cheap production of goods on wider scale.

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