SOCY1097 Lecture Notes - Enjoy Eternal Bliss

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The most fascinating idea to me in these readings was john"s revelations of the final. Not being the world"s most devout catholic, i have never read the. Revelation of john, so the imagery fascinated me. How after one thousand years of jesus" rule on earth satan will be released and a final battle will take place between good and evil (92). Not to criticize, but it sounds very similar to something one would hear out of a fairytale book, where there is one ultimate battle where good triumphs over evil. Then all the dead will rise, and the last judgment will take place. There is a very deep rooted mythic transcendence in this view of death, where once you are judged you either go to. Eternal damnation in a fiery hell, (92) or enjoy eternal bliss (92) in heaven.

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