CHEM 111 Lecture Notes - Unpaired Electron, Aluminium Chloride, Vsepr Theory

52 views3 pages
10 Mar 2014

Document Summary

Access until monday (10 / 18) at 6 pm. Formal charge is zero with an incomplete octet. If the central atom has an odd valence #, lewis structure can have one electron by itself (total # of electrons is odd) Molecules with one unpaired electron are called radicals. Does the best lewis structure for asf3 follow the octet rule or no: yes, it"s fine, no, it has an incomplete octet, no, it is a radical, no, it uses an expanded shell. States that all electron groups around the central atom will position themselves to lessen repulsions. Electron groups: any bonds (single, double, or triple) or lone pairs. 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 groups around central atom. Trigonal bipyramidal (120 between planar, 90 planar to vertical) Use a shaded wedge to show out of the plane. Use a striped wedge to show into the plane. Number of bonds determines shape (not lone pairs)