COMM 3110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: 2 Live Crew, Omen, Miller Test

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Intersectionality, identity politics, and violence against women of. The use of identity based politics: delineating difference based on identity can be a source of empowerment and reconstruction. Issue with identity-based politics: ignores intragroup differences(i. e. differences of race within a group of women) Because of this, the discourses of racism and feminism rarely intersect, while these issues often do in real life. Objective: explore the race and gender dimensions of violence against women of color, so as to provide a more justified understanding of the overlapping arenas in which they reside. Highlights the need to account for multiple grounds of identity when considering how the social world is. Structural intersectionality and battering: ex: battered women"s shelters in minority communities in los angeles. Many immigrant women in abusive marriages face the predicament of having to choose between remaining in their abusive relationships or risking deportation, an example of double subordination.

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