INTA 2221 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Merger Treaty, European Monetary System, Voting In The Council Of The European Union

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Montenegrin was did not even existed until 2008). They use the word spillover- there are joining industries to coal and steel that it might make sense for them to be internationalized too (they say if coal and steel working well, why not joining the industry?). Unifying fever hit europe in early 1950s because the. Soviet got nuclear weapons and could destroy them with a bomb. They dismantled german"s military, and put all the leaders on trial. No to germany"s military occupied territory by 4 countries (britain, france, soviet union and the u. s. ) U. s were the proponent of germany having military again. (because of the communism threat) Early 50s we had the korean war, which was the alarm that the communism was coming. The fear in the west was that korean invasion was a precursor to an invasion of west germany from east germany. Having one more military (germany) to stop the invasion of communism from the east was necessary.

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