BIOL-N - Biology BIOL-N 214 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Stratum Corneum, Adult Stem Cell, Stratum Spinosum
Document Summary
The integumentary system consists of only a single organ, the integument or skin, with accessory structures like glands, hair and nails. In most parts of the body it is about as thick as a postcard. Protection from pathogens, dehydration, abrasion and uv. Sensation receptors for temperature, pressure, vibration, touch and pain. Production - active form of vitamin d. Excretion slight loss of waste products through glandular secretions like sweat. The skin is composed of two layers, but a third layer is usually included: epidermis, which is visible and on the surface (superficial) Dermis, which is the layer below it (deep). Hypodermis (or superficial fascia), lies below the dermis. The hypodermis is commonly included with the skin, although it is technically not part of the skin. The epidermis is 4 5 layers of stratified squamous epithelium. Each of the layers may be several cells thick. In most areas of the body, the skin is thin and only 4 layers thick.