BIO 161 Lecture 1: BIO 161 Syllabus_Fall 2018

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Document Summary

Office hours: wednesday, 9:30-11:00 am or by appointment. Lecture: monday and wednesday, 4:25 -5:45pm in upham 275. Course description: a lecture and laboratory course designed to teach the anatomy and physiology of the major body systems in order for the student to gain an understanding of how the body works. The student will also develop critical thinking skills, participate in group discussions and presentations, study current health issues, and be given an opportunity to reflect upon the knowledge they learn. Required text: biology of humans, 6th edition, by goodenough and mcguire. Lab manual: human physiology lab manual, 6th edition, miami university (sold only in shriver bookstore) Evaluation: final grades in bio 161 are determined by a combination of lecture and laboratory points. Lecture points constitute 80% of the final course grade, while laboratory points constitute the remaining 20% of the final course grade. Students must receive a passing score in the laboratory in order to pass the course.