ZOL 365 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Greater Wing Of Sphenoid Bone, Tympanic Part Of The Temporal Bone, Mustelidae
Know the taxonomic terms in bold type. For laboratory, be able to identify the key characteristics
present in the available specimens. Other characters will be useful to know for lecture.
1. Carnassial teeth (P4/m1) present in most
a. modified in Ursidae, Procyonidae, pinnipeds, and
others as the diet becomes less carnivorous
2. canines strongly curved, pointed
3. scaphoid and lunar fused [fig 16-2]
A. The caniform carnivores: dogs, bears, seals,
raccoons, weasels, etc.
B. The auditory bulla is undivided
C. os baculum often well-developed
1. Family Canidae--dogs, wolves, foxes, jackals
A. tail long, bushy
B. skull elongate, rostrum relatively long, narrow
C. alisphenoid canal present
D. dental formula usually 3/3, 1/1, 4/4, 2/3
a. the carnassial pair is strongly built and easy to
b. the upper molars are more or less triangular,
M2 is smaller than M1
c. the m3 is a small, single-rooted tooth
E. digitigrade
F. baculum well-developed
2. Family Ursidae--bears [Fig. 16-20], giant panda
A. large size, tail short
B. plantigrade foot posture
C. elongate rostrum
D. dental formula usually 3/3, 1/1, 4/4, 2/3
a. anterior premolars are small, may be absent
b. carnassials are difficult to recognize
c. molars broad and flat; last upper molar very
large, elongate
E. alisphenoid canal present
3. Family Otariidae--sea lions, fur seals
A. Feet modified into flippers; hind foot can rotate
forward on land
B. Small pinna present
C. Cheek teeth homodont; usually unicuspid
D. medial 2 upper incisors with transverse groove
E. Postorbital process present
F. Alisphenoid canal usually present
4. Family Odobenidae—walrus
A. cheek teeth homodont; usually unicuspid
B. upper canines form tusks; lower incisors absent
C. baculum well-developed
D. alisphenoid canal usually present
5. Family Phocidae—seals
A. Feet modified into flippers; hindlimbs incapable of
forward rotation
B. Cheek teeth homodont; usually multicusped
C. alisphenoid canal absent
D. bullae large and inflated
6. Family Mustelidae--mink, weasels, badger, otters
A. postglenoid process prominent and curved
around mandibular fossa, locking lower jaw into
B. skull blocky, robust, often flattened, rostrum short
C. dental formula usually 3/3, 1/1, 3-4/3-4, 1/2
a. M1 relatively large, dumbbell-shaped or
squarish; m2 short and round
D. alisphenoid canal absent
E. well-developed anal scent glands in some
F. baculum well-developed
G. Varied diets, from carnivorous to molluscivorous
7. Family Mephitide--skunks
A. Even though they are morphologically
indistinguishable from mustelids, DNA evidence
indicates that skunks belong in a separate family.
As you examine the various mustelid and mephitid skulls, try
to determine the type of diet (carnivorous, etc.) from the
8. Family Procyonidae—raccoons, ringtails, kinkajou
A. tail long, usually ringed with alternating black and
light-colored bands
B. plantigrade
C. dental formula usually 3/3, 1/1, 4/4, 2/2
a. M2 relatively large, rounded; m2 double-
rooted, elongate, m3 absent
D. alisphenoid canal absent
E. baculum well-developed
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Document Summary
For laboratory, be able to identify the key characteristics present in the available specimens. Other characters will be useful to know for lecture. Laboratory 8 carnivora: carnassial teeth (p4/m1) present in most. M2 is smaller than m1: the m3 is a small, single-rooted tooth, digitigrade, baculum well-developed, family ursidae--bears [fig. Examine the dentitions of procyon, bassariscus, potos, and. A. dental formula usually 3/3, 1/1, 3-4/3-4, 2/2. It is difficult to distinguish skulls and dentitions of these three families: examine the specimen of cryptoprocta. What features indicate it is not a felid: examine the skull and dentition of arctictis. What can you infer about its diet: family hyaenidae--hyaenas, aardwolves. A. hyaenas (fig 16-14 left: skull, jaws, and teeth massive, dental formula usually 3/3, 1/1, 4/3, 0-1/1, m1 small to absent, alisphenoid canal absent, compare the premolars of the hyena with those of a large cat.