ECON 2001.01 Lecture 1: Fundamentals Textbook and Lecture Notes

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Fundamentals decision making involves a benefits of an addition electricity goods the services choices of they scarce thinking are made marginal the minute costs of. Scale small scarcity why specializations trade how function factors markets that choices companies resources focuses on economy as the large overall a scale whole macro the looks as an economy. Capital ability resources mental to produce goods production used in activity services capital everything that in increase to productivity of order the buildings machines resources education is created all the land labor capital into. E a a productive most all resources important are process resources scarce how we allocate resumes important is is economics maximize. 3 optimization marginal succeeds marginal that"s for benift what or cost you"re looking. Don"t a cost measured benefit in it do not. Do less always marginal analysis helps understand choices make the us that people rational comparing decision making is iabeet aldditional additional cost satiscaction in activity increase marginal.

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